
Hello Everyone!

Every now and again I run across an article or such that depicts what children have and do suffer. The one that I watched last night is one that needs to be shared! It is approximately 60 minutes and I do not expect you all to sit for that long; however, please follow the link at the bottom of the page and just watch for 5 or 10 minutes. Make sure you start at the beginning!

What you see is very graphic, but it is all to common. It is why I have this passion for Romani and for the children that we serve. It is why Project Hope for the Children is such a vital mission to these children that have no hope! What you will see are glimpses into what thousands of Romanian children have suffered and a small degree of things I have personally witnessed.

At this Christmas time, please remember how blessed we are and think how you can change someone else's life for the better!

In His Love,


Project Hope for the Children
Our Mission

Project Hope for the Children is a non-profit ministry that seeks to mobilize the generosity of donors to provide for the tangible needs of orphans, disadvantaged children, and at-risk families in Romania, Puerto Rico, and Beyond.

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