An Update on Romania
Hello Everyone!
I hoped you all enjoyed Jack's perspective on his trip to Romania. Even though it was his second trip over, it is still so interesting for me to hear his point of views of my "home"! I have a few things occurring within the Ministry that I wanted to fill you in on.
We have received four very special applications for PHFTC's Board! Our treasurer and I reviewed them the other day and were delighted in all of them. They each bring something very special with them and we will be contacting their references soon! Our target date is to meet after the Holidays! Also, please pray for the finance committee at my church; they are undergoing some changes with the new year and we will be getting a new treasurer to oversee PHFTC. So there will be some challenges in that area as well!
A unique event coming up is the Fabius-Pompey Holiday Bazaar that is being held on November 23rd from 10-2pm at the Fabius Community Center. This Bazaar highlights local non-profits and I am so excited to be a part of it this year. If you are looking for a beautiful Christmas wreath or swag come on down! Wreathmania is a business that a friend started to fund Project Hope for the Children! All profits go to the ministry! I will also have bead necklaces for sale to profit the ministry! If anyone has something that you would like to donate for us to sell at this fundraiser please contact me:)
Lastly, our renovations are still coming along! Painfully slow for this New Yorker, but it looks like it is being done well! We have hit a snag with our floor to ceiling shelves! It is very difficult to find real wood in Romania, but I believe thanks to the help of some friends that we have found a place that sells rough cut lumber. I am hoping we can get them sanded and painted and the price will not break the bank!

Also, if you are a facebook friend remember to like our page at
Many Blessings to you All,

Our Mission
Project Hope for the Children is a non-profit ministry that seeks to mobilize the generosity of donors to provide for the tangible needs of orphans, disadvantaged children, and at-risk families in Romania, Puerto Rico, and Beyond.
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