Our Return

The Latest at PHFTC

Hello Friends,

We have been home just over a week now from our month in Europe and I am settling into a routine, putting away luggage, and mulling over my time spent in Romania. This trip was different from any other and I needed time to sort out the blessings from the disappointments.

After one of the worst travel experiences I have ever had, we arrived in Romania at 3 AM on June 20th. All I can say is my children and our nanny were troopers! Our transport driver waited over 6 hours for our flight to arrive, which was such a blessing and our Airbnb hosts smilingly let us into our apartment in the middle of their sleep. Alina, my dear friend and employee woke up and brought all my bags of necessities from our supply room to us, along with the groceries I had requested for the next day! I have never been so grateful of the kindness of others!

My paperwork had been submitted to the hospital requesting that I be allowed to work in the hospital as usual, as well as, another request asking if we would be allowed to stay on in the hospital after the contract expired in October. While waiting for someone from the hospital to give us answers, we left for Sibiu to check out the hospital there! We were greeted warmly and our request for the November Service Team was again granted so we are cleared to bring over the group of six women committed to the trip! This was great news and so encouraging!

We played with the three babies that were in the hospital over the next two days and I was able to meet with both our workers there and talk with them! I especially enjoyed taking my children shopping to buy books and toys that our part time maternal assistant could use!

Back in Oradea, we continued to wait to hear from the hospital about my status. I was able to tour several of the foundations we assist, visit with the directors, and once again see first hand the wonderful work they are doing! I was even able to track down a little boy that I have cared for in the hospital a couple of times in his village! Seeing his sweet, patient face made me cry and my children were thrilled to see him again after having held him three years ago in the hospital. It made my heart glad to see even with all his physical disabilities, just how loved and protected he was by the village family.

I had a bout of sickness and after recovering and still not having any answers from the hospital, I decided to go myself. We had been told that the Manager does not give audiences to anyone, even his own doctors, but I prayed and asked the Lord for favor and any decision so that we could proceed. Amazingly, the Manager himself came in. He decided that I could no longer work in the hospital as the children are not abandoned any more (which for some is not true), that it would be illegal for me to care for the children without releases from the parents (though his own hospital staff can rarely get a signature from the parents as they NEVER see them), and furthermore, he would not sign the contract again in October, though we would be permitted to stay until then (with our employee apparently working illegally without releases from the parents). It was sad, but what I had expected from him. He has many progressive ideas, of which, I can agree with, but his ignorance on this subject and the fear that the hospital personnel is under is sad to see.

I barely bought any hospital supplies this trip, but only what we would need for the next four months. If this is a closed door then we will start searching out other projects and places to help. My only concern is for the hospital staff and babies that are left in the hospital without help and for our employee, Alina, as her job will be ending and we need to find something else for 2/3rds of her time. Please join us in praying for solutions to these problems and wisdom and guidance for the Board and I over these next few months.

Overall, the trip went well, but was just different and a little confusing. Thank you for all of your support and encouragement! Please feel free to check us out on Instagram and Facebook where you will fins updates and pictures from the trip.

Many Blessings,


Our Return
Our Return
Our Return
Our Return
Our Return
Our Return
Our Mission

Project Hope for the Children is a non-profit ministry that seeks to mobilize the generosity of donors to provide for the tangible needs of orphans, disadvantaged children, and at-risk families in Romania, Puerto Rico, and Beyond.

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