September Update

The Latest at PHFTC

Hello Friends,

I trust that you all had an enjoyable and safe summer! I was able to spend many hours of quality family time with my children and take a break! However, I was never able to travel over to Romania because of the Corona Virus,and that has been very hard to be away from my "home" and work. I know there was a reason, but not being there when so many need help has been trying for me. Nevertheless, I wanted to present to you a little of what PHFTC has still been able to accomplish in the past several months and update you on some prayer needs.

Our hospital supplies in Sibiu, were stretched from my purchases in November, mainly due to the fact that there were fewer children being dropped off because of the lock down. Cornelia, our Volunteer Nurse Liaison, sent us a list of needed items for the babies and Andrea, our contracted Director of Romanian Ministries shopped for the baby supplies and had them shipped down. The hospital is doing well and there haven't been any cases in among our babies.

The Latest at PHFTC
The Latest at PHFTC

We also needed to purchase more books for the social children in the hospital. If you remember, these books (or stuffed animals) are often sent back with the child to wherever they call "home", IF they do leave. This gives the little ones something special of their own to help with their attachment issues. Andrea, found many lovely books and had them shipped down, as well!

Books for social children at the hospital corona virus
Books for social children at the hospital

With the return of children to the After School Program, food was needed to feed 50 little mouths. Andrea, along with the Directors of the program spent an afternoon searching for the best buys to feed these kids over the next several weeks.

After School Program
After School Program

Forget Me Not Ministries was also able to go shopping this summer to fill their Co-Op for the Fall months. The shelves were bare, but thankfully PHFTC was able to purchase $2000 worth of food, hygiene products, and diapers so the Roma mothers can shop with the money they make from creating the JoyBeadz and working odd jobs. We are so pleased to be able to work alongside this ministry; empowering woman so there is less abandonment!

Forget Me Not Ministries was also able to go shopping this summer to fill their Co-Op for the Fall months
Forget Me Not Ministries was also able to go shopping this summer to fill their Co-Op for the Fall months
Forget Me Not Ministries was also able to go shopping this summer to fill their Co-Op for the Fall months
Forget Me Not Ministries was also able to go shopping this summer to fill their Co-Op for the Fall months
Forget Me Not Ministries was also able to go shopping this summer to fill their Co-Op for the Fall months

Your donations and support made this all possible and we cannot thank you enough for partnering with us so we can continue to aid poor and neglected children!

Our Needs:

* More Board Members
* Wisdom on opening our Project in Puerto Rico
*Opportunities to Raise Money in a Covid Culture
* Enough money in the Budget to help all the non profits asking us for supplies
* Wisdom as we revise our By-Laws to reflect new NYS Laws

Your prayers, ideas,and help in these matters are very important to us! Thank you again for your interest and support! If you aren't already, please follow us on Instagram and Facebook atProject Hope for the Children, Inc. We post regularly.


Ramona Petrella Cummings
Executive Director

Project Hope for the Children
Our Mission

Project Hope for the Children is a non-profit ministry that seeks to mobilize the generosity of donors to provide for the tangible needs of orphans, disadvantaged children, and at-risk families in Romania, Puerto Rico, and Beyond.

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