A New Year

Dear Friends and Supporters,

It has been a while since I have written to you and I apologize. I am determined to do so more frequently in 2019! 2018 was a bit tumultuous for our family and I had much on my plate. Our son needed some extra caring for and we received more diagnosis of possible ADHD and Autism on top of his other challenges. My goal is to love each one in my family at the level they need and my life was full with that and directing the ministry oversees. Even with all that, God has blessed us here at PHFTC so much!

We have a fabulous Board that has come alongside me and so encouraged me! We have some volunteers that help us, one being Samantha, that graciously and almost effortlessly keeps up our website! Our employees, Alina and Dora, are wonderful with the children and communicating with me and our Volunteer Liaison in Sibiu, is one of the most gracious and selfless women I know! I cannot tell you how much in awe I am of what has evolved over the years from my simple girl's heart.

We are still a very small non-profit. This year we have a budget of $35,000 and we are totally going on faith for that, but we see much need and know that consistency in our service in the hospitals and with the foundations we support is key to having a good testimony in Romania. Every year, we are given a new opportunity or a new way to serve the children and families there and we want to be ready and able to say, Yes!

Let me re-cap 2018 a bit for you:
1. We had a brand new worker (Dora) in the Sibiu hospital and she gained her footing quickly, as well as, the respect of the staff. I was so blessed to work with her this year and watch her affection for the babies and attention to detail.

2. We helped four foundations with their beautiful ministries this year. They had basic needs such as: food, hygiene products, appliances, detergent, fencing, school supplies. It was such an honor to assist each project and meet with each Director while in Romania this year. These people are so committed to their ministry, but often shackled by finances. I love being a part of each of their foundations!

3. Alina continues to work in the Oradea hospital and spread joy to each person. Her contract was up this year and the hospital was not signing it. We were concerned about our continued efforts there. After months of waiting and praying a former director intervened and recommended Ali and I and the contract was then signed!

4. After jumping through several hoops, I was allowed back into the Oradea hospital to work for the two weeks I was there! I was overjoyed to hold the little ones that have such a bleak life ahead of them and see first hand the needs!

As we go into this new year, we need your support more than ever!  We recently found out that one of the foundations in the hospital is pulling out and we are taking over the supplying of those areas. Another foundation is waiting to see if their contact will be renewed. We assist this ministry with supplies, as well, but if they are forced to leave, we do not that the money to hire the three woman they employ to work with all the children left without help in the hospital. Thankfully, we do not have the amount of children abandoned at the hospitals like we used to, but it would still be devastating.

My airline tickets are purchased to go for three weeks this summer and my family will be going with me this year to help and learn! I am so excited about this as each year my heart yearns more and more to live in Romania for parts of the year (maybe one day). PHFTC also is planning on a short service trip in November for ladies!! If interested, please let me know!

Lastly, be thinking or praying about your involvement this year.. What gifts and talents can you bring to this ministry? Is there anyway that you can help us meet our budgetary needs? Become a monthly sponsor, perhaps? Open your church or organization up to having me present our work? Please visit our website, www.projecthopeforthechildren.org , to see our goals and financial statements or to donate.

I'm excited to see our growth this year and all that will be accomplished!

Many Blessings,


*Bottles labeled by last name for the babies.

Bottle Feeding
Bottle Feeding

*Supplies for the Special Needs Safe Houses and Preschool Program

Project Hope for the Children
Our Mission

Project Hope for the Children is a non-profit ministry that seeks to mobilize the generosity of donors to provide for the tangible needs of orphans, disadvantaged children, and at-risk families in Romania, Puerto Rico, and Beyond.

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