Many Things Going On & How to Donate
The Latest at PHFTC
Hello Everyone!
I know it has been a long time since I have done anything online including blogging, Facebook or emailing, but that does not mean that nothing has been done! On the contrary, things have been so busy on this end that I feel I now have a part time job!
I am so very proud and excited to report that we are now Project Hope for the Children, Inc!We are still pending with the Federal Government, but we have five years to complete paperwork and fully stamped for approval! Our treasurer is working on the paperwork so I know it will not take that long, but for now we can act as a not for profit!
We have set up a bank account and you can now donate directly to Project Hope for the Children!!! Pompey Community Church is still working with us as we transition over the next couple of months so don't panic if you donate through them; we still have our accounts open with them. I am so thankful to God and everyone that has helped with making this possible!
Another exciting thing to report is my upcoming trip to Romania! I was able to purchase tickets for around $1,600. I have never paid that much before so it was a bitter pill to swallow, but I am traveling alone this year so it essentially took up the price of what 2 tickets cost.
I leave July 31st and return August 15th. Please keep me in prayer as I my itinerary leaves very little room for delays. Also, Jack will remain behind with the children and work his day job and care for the kids with the help of our sweet sitter, Brittany! Thank-you Brittany!
Another praise is that the owner of the apartment where we stayed last year is letting me stay for free this year! This is one less cost for the ministry! Thank-you Florian!
I am excited to see how our hospital is doing and hold those precious babies! Also, we just received permission today to interview and be introduced to a new hospital in Romania! We are very excited to have this opportunity to start a work in another hospital and care for the babies there! Please continue to pray that Alina and I have a good meeting in August with the hospital directors and we can set up something permanent there!
We still need a few more thousand dollars in donations in the next month to meet our budget! If you want to help this year, we would love to accept your donations! You can donate by sending acheck to Project Hope for the Children at 6983 Chase Rd, Fabius, NY 13063 or by going to and giving through PayPal there. I will be sending out a list of things we need to purchase for me to take over in the next email.
Have a wonderful day!

Our Mission
Project Hope for the Children is a non-profit ministry that seeks to mobilize the generosity of donors to provide for the tangible needs of orphans, disadvantaged children, and at-risk families in Romania, Puerto Rico, and Beyond.
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