Off We Go Into the Wild Blue Yonder
Eagerness and anticipation fill our van along with about 275lbs of luggage, 2 children and 2 weary adults! We are headed to NYC as I type and prepared to take the 10pm flight that will eventually lead us to Romania some 22 hours later! We all still have our sinus/ear infections, but are feeling better due to antibiotics~ Praise God!
I have so many things to accomplish trip which include: purchasing supplies, touring two new foundations and their work with babies and their families, possibly getting renovation work done on the supply room that the Family Plugar allow me to use rent free, as well as HOLDING THE BABIES!!!
The children will be going to the nanny's and Jack will be working for the foundation Children in the Son on some fix it work at one of their locations. And of course, we are hoping for some wonderful fellowship with old and new friends.
I will try to post as much as possible on this site so if you haven't already signed up for the emails to be sent automatically to you, now would be a great time. You can do that on our home page:)
Blessings to you all!
The Cummings

Our Mission
Project Hope for the Children is a non-profit ministry that seeks to mobilize the generosity of donors to provide for the tangible needs of orphans, disadvantaged children, and at-risk families in Romania, Puerto Rico, and Beyond.
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