Goodbye 2012 ~ Hello 2013 Resolutions

Hi Everyone!

Here I find myself in the new year and haven't accomplished much of anything last year on my blog! If I made New Year's resolutions (which I generally don't) I would decide to spend more time on the blog this year. I am hoping and praying that this year without the demands of a new baby I can make this site into what I hope it to be!

However, just because I haven't kept up with my posting does not mean that Hope for the Children has not been very busy and needed! Allow me to recap for you the year of 2012! We continued to sponsor my dear friend Alina to work in the hospital and distribute the supplies. She had many physical challenges this past year and had several weeks of bed rest! I was quite concerned for her and longed for the days when I traveled over twice a year- I felt so helpless here while she carried on the bulk of the work there. The Lord had his hand on her and she has slowly gained back her strength and continues to be a light in the hospital and gentle hand to the babies!

I started fundraising in late spring this year and was so blessed by all the churches and individuals who are a part of this ministry! My family spent many happy Sundays at different churches and were refreshed by all of your kindnesses. Several thousands in donations came in and my daughter and I were set to go to Romania in August.

Right before I was to leave, I heard that the hospital was refusing to let volunteers in anymore due to an accident that occurred with an international volunteer and a baby. I had no idea if I was going to be let into the hospital or not! I have a non-profit in the States, but not one in Romania and thus no contract with the hospital. There were several days of fear and prayer for me! Upon reaching Oradea, I was granted access to the hospital and welcomed by so many people that it was clear the Lord still had a place for me there!

The trip went extremely well and I was able to purchase all of the supplies for six months and several new baby items such as: walkers and bouncer chairs. Things went so well and my health was so strong that we are hoping to make summer travel a habit as I seem to always get ill in the fall.

At the end of November the Department of Health decided that the hospital needed to remove all baby furniture and large toys. No more swings, walkers or bouncers for the babies growth and entertainment! We were horrified by this, but had little choice but to obey. Alina removed all our newly purchased baby gear and everything else we had. Please pray that this year the ban on these important stimulants will be lifted!

Recently, we have taken over providing supplies for another foundation in the hospital as they could not financially do so anymore! This necessitated buying more supplies last month and added responsibility for Alina. Currently, we supply four wards at the Main Hospital as well as, two other hospitals every other month. Our ministry is growing and is still so needed and I am so honored that the Lord has seen fit to let me continue ministering there!

I cannot wait to see what will happen this year for Project Hope for the Children and I want to thank you all for your part in it!

Binecuventare! (Blessings)


Project Hope for the Children
Our Mission

Project Hope for the Children is a non-profit ministry that seeks to mobilize the generosity of donors to provide for the tangible needs of orphans, disadvantaged children, and at-risk families in Romania, Puerto Rico, and Beyond.

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